Does anyone have any idea what happened to Simon Cowell? He's almost human. That's not what I want! LOL
Ok New Jersey, show us the weirdos!!!
On a side note, I do like Nicole better than Cheryl as an X Factor judge, but she's kind of spoiled!
Brian is up first and he is a pip squeak little kid. Confidence is one thing, cocky is the other. Guess what he is right now. 14 year old New Yorker. Disrespecting Simon. That's not the way to make friends or get anywhere. Wow, please don't send this idiot through. Damn, the judges love him. Ewww...
Simon says he's arrogant, obnoxious, argumentative, but says he's fantastic. And, he's going through.
Kelly is up now and she's not cocky and has a great voice. She's through!
Aaron looks a bit strange, but he's got a great voice. He's through.
We zip through quite a few more yeses. We've got to start seeing the real X Factor wannabes. You know, the ones who think they can sing.
Ok, here come the "wannabes". Andy is up and he's never kissed a girl before. He's 43 years old. Oh dear, he can't sing at all. Fingernails on a chalkboard and forgot the words to the song. I don't think he's going to be on MTV Cribs like he wants to.
Clarissa, better known as Cashmere, is up... let's see. She sings karaoke and Simon is about falling out of his chair laughing. Nope, she can't sing. It is total karaoke. 4 noes... shocker!
Oh my gosh, how can these people really believe they can sing? Screeeeeeeching.....
Cari Fletcher is up next. She's been singing since age 6. I've been singing since age 5, you don't see me on that stage! lol She started out way too low, but she's got some pipes. Simon thought she was boring, as did I, but the remaining judges put her through.
A few more went through before commercial break, but they must not have the TV factor.
Austin and Emily are Awesem, apparently. They got the whole fam damily and half the school here rooting for them. So they must be good, right? Well, he can sing, but she's a bit off. The judges say yes, but LA Reid points out that Austin is a star. Nicole is struggling and Simon walks off. How can Simon think Emily is that good? Do not understand. Whatever, they're through.
Tora works on cars but her first love is singing. If she can't sing, she wants to build race cars. I Want You Back
Jor-el loves Madonna so let's tackle one of her songs. Well, he's got the entertainment factor. Too bad he doesn't have the voice to match. Thank goodness the judges agreed with me this time! lol
John Duff is doing something on stage that can only be described as freaky!!! It's a no.
Oh boy, we're starting off with the freaks tonight! Love it!
Ric White is up and Paula and Nicole are getting into the freaky dancing. But is he going through? Nope.
The Stereo Hogzz are up and they want to sing to stay out of trouble. Man, that one looks like Will Smith. Couldn't hear them really, but I guess they were alright. Judges liked them, so they're going through.
Here is conceited what's your name? Brennan Hunt is more than just a little stuck on himself. He claims he's been on a tour bus since 19 years old. He's 26 now. He can sing, but I can't get past his ego. Of course he's going through.
A few more get through the critical X Factor judges. We've got 20 minutes left, there must be some big wow moment, right? Oh, not "wow" in a good way. hahaha
Well, here's one. Devon. I honestly don't know if this person is male or female. Doesn't matter, the singing is atrocious. hahahha Ummm, audition is over. Devon just kept singing. lol
16 year old Jazzlyn is the last to audition and she is having a panic attack. I feel bad for the girl, but if this is bad, she'll never make it to the end. Gotta handle that pressure girl! Wow!!! She's a lot different singing and performing! She's awesome!!!! I like this girl!!! Go, Jazzy!!!! Standing O from the audience and the judges!!!! She's going through!
What a way to end the X Factor auditions!!! Let's get this party started!!! See you next week!
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